jueves, 18 de agosto de 2011

Shares on the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange rose 1.13% - El Tribuno.com.ar

Influy? the progress of the energ?ticas compa??as and the linked to the petr?leo.
The Buenos Aires Stock Exchange rose yesterday 1.13 per cent for the batch of 19 leading companies, to the sensitive progress of energy companies and the linked to oil, after the rise of "black gold" in the New York market.
For its part, the yellow metal recorded his third consecutive all-time 1.621,50 $ the troy ounce, its maximum of this day, with rise of 0.40 percent. The leading Merval index closed at 3.368,64 points along a wheel that showed it in moderate but ongoing growth a contramano of the downward trend in Europe, Wall Street and Latin America.
Regional markets
The markets in these regions dominated the pessimism and an extreme caution before the impasse in the negotiations between representatives of the parties Republican and Democrat, in the United States. These politicians must agree, before the next August 2, a definition about the limit of government debt to avoid a cessation of payment of that country.
In Buenos Aires, the increase in volume due to the large number of exercises in public bonds which usually mature in the last week of each month and yesterday gathered 44.7 million pesos.
Actions operated only 33.4 million pesos, but the absence of a timely sale from an investment fund on energy companies of the group led by businessman Marcelo Midlin allowed his rebound percentage was significant in several cases.
Transener rose 5,07% to 1.45 pesos followed by Edenor 3.48 and Pampa energy with 3.26%.
For its part, Tenaris (Techint Group) advanced 3.83% were 100.20 pesos, maximum of the day. Banco Macro continued with 2.00%; Telecom 1.63; Bank French 1.48 and Petrobras (ordinary) Brazil with 0.41%.

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