ECONOMY › the investment foreign direct in ARGENTINA grew 57 percent during 2010Un report of the United Nations stressed that foreign investment in the pa?s regained the pace prior to the crisis of 2009. While its quality mejor? on the ?90, are still lacking regulations to guide them.Inversi?n foreign direct (FDI) to Argentina recuper? prior to the international financial crisis levels. In sinton?a with the overall performance, flows with direcci?n to the pa?s amounted to 6300 d?lares million in 2010. The ?Informe on investments in the 2011? world that makes Unctad, a United Nations agency, reflecting an increase of the foreign inversi?n of 57 percent from the strong ca?da experienced in 2009. When compared with the average of the 2004-2008, a proper m?s estad?sticamente relaci?n a?os upward comes to 6 percent. At the regional level of Argentina participaci?n in the entry of FDI is low. However, rather than maximise the income of foreign to the pa?s investment as indicated by the neo-liberal tradici?n, various heterodox specialists warn about the relevance of regulate these flows to ensure the generaci?n of jobs, reduce the remisi?n of profits and dividends to the parent and, if possible, reaching an export behavior.
During the d?cada passed the quality of the FDI exhibi? a significant improvement with relaci?n to the din?mica recorded during the nineties a?os. Along the convertibility, FDI was driven by the process of privatizaci?n and extranjerizaci?n of the productive structure. On the other hand, the sustained process of econ?mico growth, high levels of corporate profitability and a favourable international context explained the leading desempe?o of a?os ?ltimos flows.
?Desde 2004 stands out an improvement in the composici?n of the FDI investment development, Cecilia Nah?n Assistant can be explained by the increase of the productive capacity of foreign companies based in the pa?s, entry of new firms and opening of new plantas?, explic?. This type of investment tend to generate higher contributions to the capital formaci?n and the creaci?n of employment that mergers and acquisitions. From Canciller?a tambi?n pointed out the high-intensity tecnol?gica of new projects installed in the pa?s. Other relevant information on recent behavior is the growing importance of Brazil as a source of FDI towards Argentina pa?s. Major foreign companies established in the pa?s are dedicated to the explotaci?n of hydrocarbons (Repsol), telecommunications (Telecom and Telef?nica) and food (Cargill). In the a?os ?ltimos creci? the place of the automotive industry.
At the global level, FDI flows increased moderately to 1.24 bill?n d?lares and maintains 15 percent below the pre-crisis average. SEG?n the report of Unctad, the econom?as in development, primarily in the South, attracted in total m?s of half of these flows and many of these pa?ses were to grow their participaci?n as exporters of FDI. The growth rate of foreign investment to Brazil creci? 87 per cent, at M?xico the increase was 17 per cent; in Per?, 31, and Chile, from 17. In mayor?a cases, the magnitude of the flow exceeds the Argentina.
The neo-liberal tradici?n highlights the importance of multinational enterprises in the development process and ponders the direction of the econom?as based on the magnitude of FDI. Many foreign inversi?n sugerir?a that Governments do well the things and little reflejar?a an orientaci?n ?err?nea? of the pol?tica. ?La experience of the d?cada of the 1990s shows that the maximizaci?n of these flows is not suitable for the development. FDI flows left balance p?rdida significant degrees of freedom in the definici?n of the nacionales? pol?ticas, warns an economist Ariadna Sacroisky.
In this regard, experts such as Professor at the University of Cambridge, Ha Joon Chang, recover the experience of pa?ses as Singapore or Malaysia, where the jug? been an active role in the planificaci?n, regulaci?n, and the incentive for FDI into certain activities. As?, for example, restricted the entry of unwanted investment, they aangels them to the fulfilment of conditions ranging from l?mites to foreign participaci?n exportaci?n requirements. Cemop Andr?s Asiain investigator questioned the lax institucional-legal framework in which FDI in Argentina. A document made by the expert on international trade Carlos Bianco notes that ?el 80 per cent of FDI flows elope in the form of remisi?n of profits and dividends of companies transnacionales?.
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