sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012

UltimatePowerProfits was founded by entrepreneur Mr. Scotty Evans

UltimatePowerProfits was founded by entrepreneur Mr. Scotty Evans

I like dreamers. Entrepreneurs are attracted big dreamers. When we see large companies of our high-tech times we see that they were:

People who did not complete their studies, common people started in their garages (Apple Computers and Microsoft)
College kids in their bedrooms (Facebook)

The reality is that it takes tons of iron to move something from a dream to reality. The efforts of most entrepreneurs are charged with a string of failures and test challenges laying on his commitment to his dream.

Researching this new adventure be it found opportunity all, good and bad.

But not so important but what really negative and I found the biography of Mr. Scott Evans you can read it here: http://www.ultimatepowerprofits.com/docs/bio_scott_evans.pdf

We do not know for sure about how to work Unlimited Power Profit (Global One) but since the march as I know, again nothing is guaranteed in this life.

I hope this biography is truthful, because if Mr Evans was struggling like everyone else to get where he is today - and that is at the forefront of something that can have a positive effect monetarily and healthy for people of all the planet.

I have not studied the science behind the products offered by this company to help prevent the spread of disease. However, I know that science exists even if it is bed nets for malaria in remote areas. And I know a lot of the world's water is infested with parasites. Would not it be wonderful if we could have a company with a humanitarian component plus a profit?

I've been to some lectures and presentations on the compensation plan, where all those who join will share in the profit pool, I have also heard that the pool Go Global Profit Pool include several profit centers (business centers) - including a penny auction.

And what if they have a penny auction! Penny auctions are very profitable. Unless Mr. Evans wants to be like the guy Zeekler and faces the SEC, I doubt the penny auction GlobalOne equal. There will be no promises of profits - guaranteed.

As for all other products and services that you are proposing - they sound amazing. The guy has a big dream and recognizes that overall up leaving is where the money is. In our team we have people from all over the world - USA, UK, Ireland, Israel, Canada, Spain, Mexico, Peru, Guatemala, I've never seen so much global interest in a business opportunity.

I am a dreamer too. And I dream of a better world, travel to exotic places, take care of the family, multiple residual income, and people helping each other.

GlobalOne may fall or may rise to heights unknown, is like watching Real Madrid play.

I wanna thank you for being a dreamer like me .... and I invite you to keep dreaming for a better world.

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