sábado, 6 de octubre de 2012

Twittmate El Sistema Exclusivo Para Generar Trafico Web

Twittmate, el sistema mas exclusivo para generar tráfico web, ingresos por Internet, lista de suscriptores y reputación, te regala este espectacular manuscrito donde una de los mas grandes expertos del marketing anglo Mike Filsaime, revela "sin tapujos" el sistema mediante el cual él generó millones de dólares en sus negocios por Internet!

100% en español!, este manuscrito es el primer regalo que twittmate trae a todos los hispanos, twittmate es el complemento perfecto para que maximices y aproveches el 100% del potencial de este manuscrito

¿Cómo descargar el manuscrito?

1.- suscríbete completamente GRATIS a twittmate
2.- Completa tu perfil
3.- dentro de tu zona de usuario twittmate, ve al menú lateral izquierdo "Bono Efecto Mariposa" y listo!
4.- El Lunes 08 de Octubre, Ya NO será GRATIS y solo los Usuarios Pagos de Twittmate lo podrán adquirir

domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012

Email Marketing

How Email Marketing Can Explode Your Business
What is Email Marketing?

Email Marketing is simply using email in your marketing communications. Every email you ever send to a prospect, customer or Independent Business Owner can be classed as email marketing. Businesses can send promotional emails and marketing messages of all kinds to try and acquire new customers or persuade their existing customers to purchase their new product or service. 

Why Marketers Love Electronic Communication
Many businesses have huge databases of email addresses that they contact on a regular basis. Customers for the most part welcome value packed communications because there is something in it for them. This is why email marketing campaigns need to be well managed and presented. Email Marketing has many benefits and they are as follows:

  • Low Cost – Cheaper than traditional marketing communications such as direct mail and offline advertising.
  • Speed – Email Marketing is instant. The recipient may not get it immediately if they are not at their desk but the communication is instant.
  • Easy – Email Marketing is easy both for you and your list. All it takes is to open your email.
  • Personalized – Through the use of ‘Autoresponders’ (Automated Email Marketing Software) Emails can be tailored to suit particular people or groups of customers.
  • Viral Effect – Email can be easily and instantly shared by forwarding to other contacts in your address book at the touch of a button.

Maximize Your Relationships with Your Customers
Direct Email: involves the 'Direct' sending of a promotional email in the form of a special offer for example. Businesses usually do this when they have acquired a list of customers or prospects to communicate with. There are companies that sell email addresses acquired through survey systems nationally or internationally. These databases of information can be very effective if they are selected carefully and match your business products or services. 

Retention Email: Emails sent to retain existing customer or Independent Business Owner bases. They can be in the form of newsletters or new product developments or upgrades. The object of this kind of email is to develop long-term relationships and build trust. Retention emails usually provide great value to their recipients. 

The Money is in the List!- That’s the Truth!

Building your email list is perhaps the most compelling issue facing anyone looking to engage in email marketing. After all if you have no list of subscribers or email address contacts, it doesn't matter how good your message is. Most businesses may already have acquired the contact information of their customers or prospects after surveys and purchases however even if you do, you will need a way to contact them regularly and do it in bulk rather than one by one. 

'Autoresponders' as already mentioned above are the way to do that. In fact even if you have no permission based email address list, the use and power of an Autoresponder is huge. There are many free and paid Autoresponder providers online that you can chose from. 

Once you learn how to use your providers system it's easy to proceed with communicating with your audience. If you already have your email address list you can simply upload it into the system and it will store it and integrate them into all your selected outgoing messages. However if you do not have any list, you can use their 'Contact Form' to place on your Blog or website to capture people's information. Building a list will depend on how your present yourself to the marketplace and what you offer in exchange for their private email address. 

Learn the Tools of the Trade
Writing very good emails is a skill in itself. The writer for a business needs to understand the audience they are writing to and the message he or she is trying to deliver. They need to see both sides of the message; from the readers point of view and the businesses. All marketing emails should provide an element of trust, respect, transparency, relationship building and value through special offers, discounts, new opportunities etc. 

Keep Your Name Good and Your Business Will Take off!
Responsible email marketing is based very much on the idea of permission from the recipients. The one thing that is frowned upon in the Internet Marketing Business Community is unauthorized email communications. This can have a very damaging effect on your business and overall name in the industry. Essentially you need the permission of the person you are attempting to commercially communicate with, otherwise it is considered spam. 

If you want to build large teams, organizations and businesses you need to respect the privacy and integrity of other people. Having their permission at the point of sale of your product or service to communicate with them removes any negative effects of future communications. 

If you are an Independent Business Owner with Profit Clicking and you want to build your business, we have some very helpful promotional material that you can use in your email communications to your prospects. 

sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2012

Without traffic your product is dead! Sound a little harsh? Think about it! Just by reading this our site has the opportunity to earn your business. In return, we provide you with a patented, results-based system that creat...Ver más
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sábado, 15 de septiembre de 2012

Dear Potential Business Owner

BIZPOWERSYSTEM Let’s face it! Everyone needs to work to earn extra income. And because of too much work you tend to spend most of your time working. You missed a lot of family outings, etc. and it creates a gap between you and your family members.
Do You Need To...
checkmarks-1_23 Earn extra income or get out of debt?
checkmarks-1_23Replace your current income?
checkmarks-1_23Have more control of your life?
checkmarks-1_23 Spend more time with your family?
checkmarks-1_23 Save for college?
checkmarks-1_23 add to your retirement?
checkmarks-1_23 Work part-time?
checkmarks-1_23 Make your OWN hours?
checkmarks-1_23 Get rid of Daycare costs?

Then, working from home is the key to your necessities. 

     Not only you can get to pick when to begin and end your workday, but you can also choose how many hours you want to work each day. And it can leave you with more than enough quality time to spend with your family and loved ones. Working from home also cuts expenses down on such costs as transportation, lunch-outs, and office clothes. Beyond time and cost savings, a home-based career offers freedom and independence.

sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012

A New Generation of Income Opportunities

A New Generation of Income Opportunities

In Pre-launch! $10 Free plus Retirement Plan!

$10 Free! Revenue & Retirement Share!
Have you joined Eimimo.com yet? Thousands have joined in the first few days because this is a unique and different income opportunity.
This program is 100% - without a doubt - free! It is available to anyone in the world (must be 18 or older). It gives you a sign up bonus of $10.00 absolutely free. It has Revenue Sharing. Not just a measly profit sharing program but actual revenue sharing. It has a Retirement Plan too! Plus - you can get free e-books, free software, free bonuses, and a lot more! And you will never have to spend a single penny nor sell anything!!!
See what everyone is talking about. Eimimo.com - the newest and most unique income opportunity on the internet. Join us now!!

UltimatePowerProfits was founded by entrepreneur Mr. Scotty Evans

UltimatePowerProfits was founded by entrepreneur Mr. Scotty Evans

I like dreamers. Entrepreneurs are attracted big dreamers. When we see large companies of our high-tech times we see that they were:

People who did not complete their studies, common people started in their garages (Apple Computers and Microsoft)
College kids in their bedrooms (Facebook)

The reality is that it takes tons of iron to move something from a dream to reality. The efforts of most entrepreneurs are charged with a string of failures and test challenges laying on his commitment to his dream.

Researching this new adventure be it found opportunity all, good and bad.

But not so important but what really negative and I found the biography of Mr. Scott Evans you can read it here: http://www.ultimatepowerprofits.com/docs/bio_scott_evans.pdf

We do not know for sure about how to work Unlimited Power Profit (Global One) but since the march as I know, again nothing is guaranteed in this life.

I hope this biography is truthful, because if Mr Evans was struggling like everyone else to get where he is today - and that is at the forefront of something that can have a positive effect monetarily and healthy for people of all the planet.

I have not studied the science behind the products offered by this company to help prevent the spread of disease. However, I know that science exists even if it is bed nets for malaria in remote areas. And I know a lot of the world's water is infested with parasites. Would not it be wonderful if we could have a company with a humanitarian component plus a profit?

I've been to some lectures and presentations on the compensation plan, where all those who join will share in the profit pool, I have also heard that the pool Go Global Profit Pool include several profit centers (business centers) - including a penny auction.

And what if they have a penny auction! Penny auctions are very profitable. Unless Mr. Evans wants to be like the guy Zeekler and faces the SEC, I doubt the penny auction GlobalOne equal. There will be no promises of profits - guaranteed.

As for all other products and services that you are proposing - they sound amazing. The guy has a big dream and recognizes that overall up leaving is where the money is. In our team we have people from all over the world - USA, UK, Ireland, Israel, Canada, Spain, Mexico, Peru, Guatemala, I've never seen so much global interest in a business opportunity.

I am a dreamer too. And I dream of a better world, travel to exotic places, take care of the family, multiple residual income, and people helping each other.

GlobalOne may fall or may rise to heights unknown, is like watching Real Madrid play.

I wanna thank you for being a dreamer like me .... and I invite you to keep dreaming for a better world.