jueves, 18 de agosto de 2011

They investigate killing of man in the heart of the capital - 123.cl (Chile)

They investigate killing of man in the heart of the capital
26 July 2011 - 07: 41
Police investigates the crime of a man of 26 years of age in the heart of the capital, who was shot this morning from a vehicle in Merced Street with Mac Iver.
Everything happened close to 01: 00 pm, when Caesar shell Camus walked around the corner and approached a truck with three occupants, where one of them shot him at point-blank range.
Two injured in his body was taken to Hospital San José by the precinct's police who came to take the procedure. Later, the young man died due to severe injuries.
According to the statements of witnesses, the truck was blue and brand Kia, which were two men and a woman. There were at least seven shots.
The background of the case remained in the hands of the Metropolitan Prosecutor's Office North Center and currently there is no detainee, at the time that does not rule out a settling of scores between rival subjects.
Text agency UPI.

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